The let factors rlet ( rlet = 0 . 05 ) of neutron response for liftld in various n + y mixed fields in the fast neutron reactor have been determined experimentally due to the existing let effects of the response for liftld to neutron absorbed dose . the experimental results show that the let factor for neutrons from thermal energy to 5mev energy is about 0 . 050 . so it is workable to measure the photon fluence in the pulse reactor with 7liftld 为确定liftld能否用于n 、混合场的区分测量,本文定义了let效应因子,并对liftld的let效应因子进行了实验测定,测量结果表明: liftld对热中子至5mev中子响应的let效应因子值约为0 . 050 ,因此,选用~ 7liftld用于脉冲堆光子注量测量是可行的。